Hypermobility Claims

Hypermobility Claims

Hypermobility syndrome is genetic, and while Girlings cannot claim just for having the condition, you can however make a claim if your symptoms are triggered or made worse as a result of an accident or caused by someone else’s negligence.

If you have had symptoms from hypermobility syndrome triggered by an accident, it is important that you are represented by a Solicitor who understands your condition. We only use experts with a proven track-record of dealing with hypermobile clients, whereas most solicitors will use the same experts they use for claims for all their other clients.

Whereas many people with hypermobility syndrome will experience little or no pain, it can be the case that a relatively minor accident can trigger symptoms which cause the injured person significant distress. Joints such as knees, shoulders, elbows etc can be very painful, the symptoms can last much longer than would be the case with other people without this condition.

Insurance companies (and often medical specialists) will usually assume that symptoms from certain types of accidents should heal within a set period of time, and will rarely make allowances for the fact that HMS can cause symptoms to be more severe and more long lasting than would ordinarily be the case.

At Girlings, we have a high knowledge of the condition and have extensive experience of dealing with such claims. We can ensure that we obtain the right sort of medical evidence for you, in order to make sure that you obtain the amount of compensation which you deserve. In one 2011 case, for example, we were able to obtain compensation of nearly 10 times the original settlement offer, directly as a result of our vast experience in dealing with hypermobility claims.

One of the benefits of using Girlings is that we can also put you in direct contact from local physiotherapists who are experienced in dealing with people with hypermobility syndrome, where this is required. Furthermore, we can ask the insurance company to cover the cost of this treatment, where appropriate.

For more information about this condition, we recommend that you visit the Hypermobility Syndrome Association's website: https://www.hypermobility.org/

Call now to discuss your claim. We can then advise you whether your claim is likely to succeed, and how our no win no-fee scheme works